Tuesday, January 10, 2006

European Parliament organises debates on blogs and e-participation

Hey Arab Parliament: where are you. Can you blog. WHO cares about BLLLLOGGGGG?

Hey read this:

On the occasion of the launch of its new website, the European Parliament is holding debates on the use of the Internet as a tool of government information, on blogging and on the Internet as an opportunity for the formation of new political communities. The debates will take place in Brussels on Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 September.

The debates can be viewed on the EP's new website (which as of yet is not online).

The programme is as follows:

"Weblogs - competition, challenge or chance? Who's afraid to open Pandora's blogs?":
Monday 12 September from 3pm to 4.30pm

The first debate will centre on the relationship between journalism and "blogging". Key questions will be if blogging can be a useful source of information to the public and whether it complements or undermines traditional journalism.

"New political communities on the web - a challenge to politicians?":
Tuesday 13 September from 11am to 12.30pm

In the second debate a closer look will be taken at the Internet as a means for the formation of new political communities. To what extent can websites shape or influence public opinion? Does the Internet provide the opportunity to involve sections of society which do not normally participate in politics? Does the internet as a political tool strengthen or weaken established political institutions?

"E-government - how feasible for countries, how practical for citizens?":
Tuesday 13 September from 2.30m to 4pm

The third debate will focus on the efforts by national governments and EU institutions to increase transparency by putting information on the internet and to make it easier for citizens to deal with administrative procedures by providing on-line services.

Launch of Parliament's new website by EP President Josep Borrell: Tuesday 13 September at 10am

Location: Yehudi Menuhin Room, European Parliament, Brussels

For more information contact:


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