Friday, April 07, 2006

E-government is dead not for the Arab world

Councils must return to true meaning of e-government and deliver greater efficiencies.

Speaking at local e-gov Expo 06 Jos Creese, head of IT, Hampshire County Council, said, "E-government is no more - it was not an end in itself and now we have to get back to its true meaning of delivering better services to the public and greater efficiencies.

"We have made a £14bn investment but have as yet to deliver cultural change."

He said that local government must continue with this level of investment but councils must get more from the money as they spend more.

And he called for a greater focus to be given on delivering services that people will use.

"E-government must become focussed into delivering better services. We must have a citizen centric approach," he said.

However, he warned that shortages of the right calibre of staff could hinder progress.

"Real change management skills are needed and they are in short supply," he said.

And he reminded delegates that the government track record on IT was not good.

"We have to do things in a different way, we need a radical replumbing,” he said.

He added that local government must be prepared to work in partnership with other organisation to deliver better services in an effort to bring about transformational government.

"We have to be real about partnerships and face up to boundary issues, we need collaboration.

"Local government is good at innovation, but change will only come with more innovation," he said.


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