Monday, January 30, 2006

Call for Papers - Issue 11

Due to the digitisation of information and the fast development of networks, three industries were caught in a process of 'convergence', namely telecommunications, computing and broadcasting. They are now referred to as one: the Communications Industries. This re-shaping of a large part of the market raises a great many questions for law and policy makers. IJCLP, the leading online journal on international communications issues, makes use of the prime medium of 'convergence': the Internet. As an online journal, IJCLP seeks to bring hot news, debated issues and important policy decisions from reliable expert sources, fast and accessible, to everyone who might be interested. As an international journal, our primary aim is to bridge international frontiers, to induce debate on communications law and policy.
Please be aware that we are seeking intellectually stimulating and innovative contributions. Submissions will be assessed against the highest academic standards, by means of a two-phase peer-reviewing process;
The IJCLP is an open-access online journal which promotes the free dissemination of legal information and knowledge. We solicit articles which adhere to good academic practices. Once an article is accepted for publication, the IJCLP will maintain a perpetual non-exclusive right to the online publication of the article. Where an article is also chosen for publication in a print edition of the IJCLP, the IJCLP will also maintain a non-exclusive copyright for print publication. The IJCLP has entered into arrangements with other open- and closed-access directories and full-text databases to enhance the distribution of the journal. Please contact the editors for further information on such arrangements. The IJCLP encourages authors to submit their work to other journals and publications so long as authors undertake the responsibility to ensure that their future/past assignments are not in conflict with the terms and conditions for publication in the IJCLP;
There is no word-limit. Citations should conform to the latest edition of ‘The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation’, or, for non legal papers, to the APA style. Manuscripts must include the author's address, telephone number, fax (if available), and e-mail address. In addition the author should also send a curriculum vitae, and a short abstract (no more than 300 words) of the paper;
Reviewing Process
The review process is via e-mail, and should take no more than 4 to 6 weeks with the possible help of selected experts. This process is launched as and when papers are submitted to us. Expedited review may be available, but you have to inform the lead editors about the date you need a decision and the name of the other journals that have accepted your submission;
For more information, please refer to the following address: Please send your manuscripts by e-mail in Word to Simone Bonetti


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